Sunday, February 1, 2009

Can Vitamins Make My Baby's Stools Hard

Nadia Budde was the dog. On Dr. Dog.

Nadia Budde has received for its own books, many major awards. For "One, Two, Three, animal" include the German Youth Literature Prize.
Dr. Dog, and Dr. Dog, the book by Babette Cole, she for this blog has chosen, is unfortunately in German only second-hand available. Console ourselves with just Lupine Lady etiquette.

"Dr. Dog" by Babette Cole is
One of the books that I like very much, "Dr. Dog" by Babette Cole. The very British author and illustrator does in this book is an unsanitary large family on a doctorate and internationally respected physician-going dog. The round-greasy Gumboyle parents of the family, has in the German translation of "family boils," failed their children about the dangers of: brush replacement from head lice infestation, Klopfötchen, educate infected tonsils and COPD.

Mom and Dad themselves seem to be completely clueless and could at the sight of poor, not help with balance disorders suffering daughter a sardonic grin. The affected children show very good on the drawings of the bright red with yellow-tipped points, inflamed tonsils on his pants down to the grub eggs under the fingernails traced beautiful colors before their illness.

Dr.Dog, busy and seriously, and actually at a conference in Brazil on the road, it should by. When the parents finally the poor grandfather, who suffers in any case always in gases, to serve black beans and beer, there is a nasty explosion in which whizzes the grandpa with the toilet through the roof.

After the whole mess has also Dr.Dog to the doctor, with the stress of the comic family bothers him. When he finally cuts off on the advice of his psychologist to relax on a South Sea island ... who is traveled after? Babette Cole
features casual so magnificent and often talks about and draws exactly that, that often seems disgusting, embarrassing and educationally worthless. The pictures are just like their language wonderfully unconventional, free and funny.
are also very beautiful Aufklärbücher their puberty for girls and boys, and "Lady Lupine's etiquette."

Nadia Budde