Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dragon Ball Doujinshi Behavior

Christine Paxman and Gutbär.

Christine Paxman wrote, illustrated and designed even itself, but in addition also publishes the trade magazine for children and young people's literature Eselsohr , in the month after month of interesting new releases are presented. So it was natural to me particularly interesting to know their favorite book.

Christine Paxman about The Great Bear.

"This book is not a delicate work of art, it is not a technically sophisticated Litter. It is bursting with color do not. And it's flat Photoshop Gebimsel, BUT ....

... when the bear tried to hug a tree and beaver at the same time ... At this point, the picture book you want to melt with happiness. Meanwhile, the matter is simple, and the proof, once again proving that the reader needs very little luck.

bear is not like other bears. He is a good bear. Happy when he Mittler all love doll can, which is manifested with him in hearty hugs. Even better than the animals, the trees bear and the tender birch to maple century niedergeknutscht is everything that bears leaves.

would become the thin little book with the same old green and brown colors, bold and graphically clean go further. Not enough you could see themselves with this Umarmerei, will broadcast the deepest peace. But one day, just precisely the one with the beaver-tree-hug the stranger comes into Bear's life.

a lumberjack. For the first time bear a deep resentment felt when the man approached one of his favorite trees with an ax. But he would not bear all the kind-hearted when he would now be revealed. The lumberjack is very kind of closed sharply after Bear's arms. Such friendliness is not accustomed to the man fled empty-handed, only a small notch in the bark is reminiscent of the experience that sealed the bear with a heavy tree hug. Enjoy deep adapts to the brief but poignant reading. You want to use this book as Deeskalator professionally and personally, and regrets that the picture-book treatment in this country is still not socially acceptable. This book is the pure message of peace and should work on first-aid kit of every household "

Nicholas Oldland / from English by Nicola Stuart. The Great Bear, Jacoby & Stuart


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