Friday, April 20, 2007

Pilot Honda Snow Plow

Analysis of the game mechanics versus gameplay

I recently took part in a simulation game where you produce a product and then had to sell for maximum value. The competition was won on paper, after which the line this game then typed into a computer, which calculated the results.

What does this have to do with board games? Good stuff. But first, just continue the business game.

My team was almost bankrupt after the first round. Our plan - high product quality, high price - did not work.

Suddenly, inspiration: forget all the trappings. Consider the game plan for what it is - a juggling with numbers. And that meant the end: to produce as much of what low production costs means. Any other strategy has been punished by the system.

We did not win, this was the beginning too weak, but suddenly, our results were competitive (at least if you include the very poor start). The crucial difference for our team before we have done so, as if we were actually on the market operates, the turning point came when we considered the game as a game.

Similar to this game plan can proceed even at board games: beware of not the setting, the story on the topic - think about just how the game works on which procedure mechanically play the effects. Short: try to penetrate the mechanics. will increase your chances of winning.

The more abstract the game, the more obvious this approach. And win, clearly, we all want. But where does the fun and begin the analysis? Can excessive analysis "destroy" the game?

this raises another question: why do you play that game? But the results really too far ...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What Kind Of Math Is On The Hobet

Board Game Reviews: Concept

I'm currently working on the first reviews for this blog.

Each game will be the following "statistics" are given: number of players (from-to and best), length, rules, size (see this entry ).


addition to the text, I'm planning to make video reviews, but am not sure if it's worth the effort. And it slows the whole process - a review will be necessary also writes from memory, a video has also played the game. Hence the question: board game video review - good idea or not?

Thursday, April 12, 2007

How To Get Rid Of Water Damage Indicator

game themes inspiration

law to the case, you want a game based on a theme, and not to develop a mechanism (see here), the question is: where do you get the idea for a theme? could wait on divine inspiration or otherwise take too long.

To give you a helping hand, here are a few possible sources of inspiration.

books, movies, TV, comics, etc. : There are many of the genres - mystery, horror, western, fantasy, science fiction, soap operas, and so on and so forth. Like you one special? Then read or watch one yourself: what "happens" in the genre? What is the genre, if you reduzierst to its stereotypes? And what are some interesting special cases? On anything from this you can certainly craft a board game.

News: Games can also be based on (relatively) current events. What interests you most in world events? And you could verwurschteln the Game? But be careful: Before your game "Knut polar bear and the climate crisis "is finished, can have no more remember the baby bear - not to mention legal trouble with the Berlin Zoo ...

computer games : For some, the worst enemy of the board game. For others, a vast field of inspiration. And I do not mean the various computer game conversions - those who are too slavishly adhere to the computer game designed templates, only rarely by good board games (exceptions such as the Warcraft board game confirm the rule).

Games: Who would have thought? reinvent the wheel is difficult. But you can still look at what all is on the market (offering in anyway, it's and board games you play anyway, right?). And, perhaps time will come a time where you you think: "Nice theme. But I would have done differently ... "predict

trends is difficult to impossible. Just because pirates are in straight, that does not mean that anyone interested in the eye patches carrier when you bring out your pirate game. The opposite is likely to be the case: the people have seen their fill in the subject - movies, books, board games ... a game more or less is because almost no longer.

It is ultimately the best at developing games to its own interests to follow, rather than an elusive taste of the masses chasing. And, honestly, what game are probably at the end interesting?

So be inspired, and started to! But you should be considering, as already indicated Rent,: is the topic that interests you totgenudelt, perhaps?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Vintage Trucks Trucks For Sale

classification of board games

I have made it my habit to divide the games of my collection in different sections. Depending on the cause and circumstances, I think as soon an appropriate selection of games - how much time and space is available, play the players are excited as (the less, the easier the game should be)?

course there are borderline cases: For example, if the length of a game can be adapted or changed the size, or the rules allow different degrees of complexity. Or a game is easy both-and.

Still, with this system, the selection is much faster than if player does not matter me to introduce point and go through everything.

If you know the division can not keep in mind (and who is that?), Do either of three lists (1 + length rules, 2 length + size, 3 rules + size), or simply giving up the least important category for you - take place when you for example have a huge table, and game nights in any case always with you, renounce the category size.

the way, the game reviews in this blog will use the same classification.

Filler: A short little game for in between or loosening of evening games between more complex games. Example: BANG!
Standard: Under normal circumstances, and if all the rules already know, this game takes one to two hours. Example: sparks .
Marathon : play it on the weekend or start time. Either way, you take on the day before anything else. Example: Lord of the Rings - War of the Ring .

Simple : Declared a few minutes, and understood by all at once. Example: train to train Europe .
Accessible : Not too long statement, and go. Short standard summary Solutions (handouts) may be appropriate. Example: stories from 1001 .
complex : A longer explanation is needed, and almost no one will permeate the game right away. Detailed handouts are essential. Example: Marvel Heroes board game .

Small : Does not need much space, and can be played almost anywhere. Example: Cash & Guns .
means : A normal table is rich. Example: Illuminati .
United : A really big table is needed - or the floor. Example: Railroad Tycoon .

Monday, April 9, 2007

Can I Use Epoxy Primer Over Por 15

board game links

A word about the links on the right side of this blog: these are in different sections in part - "blogs", "Links" (general sites that fit into any other category), "Game Design" (useful around the games development ), and "Publisher" (game publishers).
more links for the (growing) collection of links has, just bring it - call it in the comment section of this paper.

Things Write Best Friend

BoardGameGeek a design using

BoardGameGeek (BGG) is made for collecting board games. But on game development, it can use to fine.

With this the most useful overview of the game mechanics . Retrieved from " Acting" to " Variable Phase Order " everything is represented, it is conceivable to mechanisms for games.

If there is a fundamental concept for a game, can search on BGG, similar to what games work - and what they do differently. What distinguishes games is, first of all to their collection mechanisms. Dungeon Bash has such mechanisms as Modular Board Co-operative Play, and Role Playing Dice Rolling (and tile placement - should even be added). Play with the same mechanisms will be basically the same and yet different.

About this search function can quickly find similar games. However, this is not a guide to plagiarism - rather, the resourceful developers consider hereafter, what can be done differently. And if possible, better.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Pokemon Red Play And Save

Self-published, and how not to make

It takes a lot of chutzpah to set up a game publisher, whose main task will be to bring the self-developed games to the people. The risk is clear: you invest thousands of dollars in production (and that includes not only the production but also drawings, layout, and the daily lunch), and at the end you can decorate his new apartment with hundreds of colorful cardboard boxes.

Let the marketing (of small publishers like to ignore) and the product quality (to save on the small publishers like) aside for now. Other important factors for a successful launch are playability and target group policy.

Large publishers have the know-how and the capacities needed to test, so that at the end of the games are actually playable. If one wants to publish games themselves, we must be absolutely certain that no serious flaws are in play. Are the rules clear? Is a fair for all parties to ensure flow of the game? If all the gaps and inconsistencies eliminated? And so on and so forth. There are
for aspiring game publisher only one option: test test test. And please do not (always) own test, and, preferably, not (only) with friends. As many unknown volunteers work miracles here.

target group for policy
Who am I doing my games? For families with children? For fantasy fans? Casual or "professional gambler"? Presentation and theme should fit the target group. But, more importantly, there should be a target group. "People who are board games like" this is not a target group.

In Brief: Case Studies in playability and target groups.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Wetsuit Rash How To Treat

mechanics and concept - chicken and egg?

What is playing more important: a game whose mechanics (rules) to work, or the theme (setting, concept) is appealing? Both, of course. Back to top.

We will be quick to agree when I say that a game can be still be as interesting - if the rules do not are good, it is not fun. But here comes the inevitable "but" for me personally is the concept of the setting, the topic - in short, the "What-does-it" - in the first place. If I am not interested in the topic, the mechanics can be excellent, the game will gather dust on the shelf. Ideally, therefore, go hand in hand rules and theme.

A counter-example: "The desert . Reiner Knizia as usual, proves that he is a master of the game mechanics. "The Desert" is well thought out, balanced, interesting. The presentation of the game is ok, provided you can stand the sight of pastel camels. But (there it is again), it makes sense that I with my camels, which attract even as caravan through the desert ", can block other caravans? "This is my sandy trail, look for its own kindly!" - Who can be influenced as a caravan Boss of such audacity is soon no more. been

For most European games seems the mechanics of the starting point of development to be. The developers refine the rules and if they are satisfied with this, is grafted onto a subject, so to speak. Quite different from American games: are developed starting from the theme mechanisms. Now, the

not mean that American games are superior to European. For here again The "but" many of the American games are characterized by an overwhelming style over substance . The setting is interesting, the games are very elaborately decorated, but the rules are often weak point.

But that must not be, right? The following questions would be answered: Can really good and balanced rules can only be developed independently of the subject? I think: no. It is more difficult already, but if it works, the final game to be more convincing.

Meagan Good Hair Short Hair

blog Label

Over time, this blog, the following label be shown:

Reviews - make games that are fun, or not - And why.
House Rules - rule changes or additions to board games. Either to improve the gameplay or mechanics
- thoughts on game mechanics in general. With examples.
development - How do I develop games themselves? How do others ("experts") about that?
Business - games development, marketing-,-produce. How do I get a game on the market? Who can help me?

The total number of course is not set in stone. But all the labels are more or less self-explanatory - we promise!

Paper To Catch An Egg

A start.

board games - if you do not like?

Granted before this hobby gets the popularity of films are still many Meeple swallowed by the dog. But still, discover more and more people worldwide board games - and sociable game nights - for themselves. And that is exactly

go here: the hobby in all its facets. What are good what is bad board games, and why? What makes a good game? How to develop your own games? And how do I get my (e) (s) to the people?

many questions. But who am I that I dare to answer these questions? In short, to this day I have yet to publish a single game (other than Dungeon Bash , but the does not count), but go a considerable time with a few prototypes (ie playable house developments) pregnant, and at least one would have almost found a publisher - but that's another story.

The following contributions will surely be somewhat subjective, but that's supposed to be. And if I write too much nonsense there are the comments.