law to the case, you want a game based on a theme, and not to develop a mechanism (see here), the question is: where do you get the idea for a theme? could wait on divine inspiration or otherwise take too long.
To give you a helping hand, here are a few possible sources of inspiration.
books, movies, TV, comics, etc. : There are many of the genres - mystery, horror, western, fantasy, science fiction, soap operas, and so on and so forth. Like you one special? Then read or watch one yourself: what "happens" in the genre? What is the genre, if you reduzierst to its stereotypes? And what are some interesting special cases? On anything from this you can certainly craft a board game.
News: Games can also be based on (relatively) current events. What interests you most in world events? And you could verwurschteln the Game? But be careful: Before your game "Knut polar bear and the climate crisis "is finished, can have no more remember the baby bear - not to mention legal trouble with the Berlin Zoo ...
computer games : For some, the worst enemy of the board game. For others, a vast field of inspiration. And I do not mean the various computer game conversions - those who are too slavishly adhere to the computer game designed templates, only rarely by good board games (exceptions such as the Warcraft board game
Games: Who would have thought? reinvent the wheel is difficult. But you can still look at what all is on the market (offering in anyway, it's and board games you play anyway, right?). And, perhaps time will come a time where you you think: "Nice theme. But I would have done differently ... "predict
trends is difficult to impossible. Just because pirates are in straight, that does not mean that anyone interested in the eye patches carrier when you bring out your pirate game. The opposite is likely to be the case: the people have seen their fill in the subject - movies, books, board games ... a game more or less is because almost no longer.
It is ultimately the best at developing games to its own interests to follow, rather than an elusive taste of the masses chasing. And, honestly, what game are probably at the end interesting?
So be inspired, and started to! But you should be considering, as already indicated Rent,: is the topic that interests you totgenudelt, perhaps?
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