it bother me, surprisingly, not while I'm usually more enamored of the word group. But I must admit, Fitzek psychological thriller have them. I find it nigh personable, enthusiastic rumble as the protagonists of the story without the reader or even treat yourself to a break. Whether this action is plausible or realistic because at any point, one wonders not only for the speed. And I find it not bad: It's nice when a book is actually not sheet but on the contrary, the reader simply mitschleift
Assuming one is easy and full of self-pity at home vergrippt around, then you want to. eh not a thousand Levels and complicated time travel and nothing fancy. Or if you're sitting in an ICE filled with singing pensioners groups. Or on the couch with chocolate and red wine (I do not know how things go, but if I want to anzwitschern reading, I did not apply to Thomas Mann).
treated Splitter the grateful subject of "What if we could delete our worst memories?" And it crosses happily with modern neurobiology. Also, crushers The soul is concerned - hardly surprising - with the vulnerability of the human mind: A mysterious madman kidnaps nice young women. When they emerge after a few days, Are they still alive, but completely destroyed psychologically. Sounds like a fun evening or what? The ends of both books are equally insane way. Certainly no surprise now.
In Axt'schen bookshelf will probably move in one or two more Fitzek and thus the Dawn Songs this world a little ground. I like all know that all the books that make fun . Sebastian Fitzek Have you already read? Which thriller you can recommend me special?
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